
  • Yours in the beginning.

    Life--before or without traumatic experiences--was yours. Your were learning how to live, to be and how to be around others.

  • Stunted by trauma.

    Whatever happened that injured or stunted those skills isn't you--it's what happened to you. Take yourself back, and redevelop you!

  • Take YOU back.

    In many traditions, trauma chips off a piece of the soul and sends it into the underworld. Repossessing your life is part of the restoration. Let's go!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter #1

    • How to navigate this course
    • What does “Repossessing Life” mean?
    • One Way of Thinking…
    • Actvity
  • 2

    Chapter #2

    • When you don’t “possess your life”
    • Activity
    • Traumatic events as colonizing forces
    • Activity
    • Normal?
  • 3

    Chapter #3

    • Repossessing life
    • How do you “Repossess Life”
    • Repossessing Life Worksheet

Pricing options

Purchased individually, this course is $74.69. It is also included in a number of bundles.

Take your life back!

Repossess what was yours in the first place! Learn how to live beyond trauma. It's here, now--what are you waiting for?

Get started now