Spotlight Strengths

  • What we learned.

    Most trauma survivors come to feel as if something is "wrong" with them. The difficulties in school, making and keeping friends, overreacting, and maybe underreacting that trauma brings? Somehow, they become who we *are.*

  • When you know you're a "mess."

    Is it about what you learned when things that were traumatic happened? Or is it who you *are" instead? I'm pretty sure it is what you learned--and you can learn other ways of being too, even owning your strengths!

  • Matter of learning and doing.

    It's easy to get addicted to the benefits of being a victim, weak, and downtrodden. It's harder to scrounge to find the flip side, the strengths your experiences has brought you. You can, you should and we'll help you.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter #1

    • Navigating this course
    • Why is it important to spotlight strengths?
    • What is the relationship of strengths to trauma-informed care and the trauma-responsive system?
    • What do others care about my strengths?
  • 2

    Chapter #2

    • How do I spotlight my strengths?
    • Isn’t that bragging?
    • The goals
  • 3

    Chapter #3

    • The Tools
    • Universal Responses
    • Secret Strengths Finder

Pricing options

when purchased individually, this course is $74.69. It is included in a variety of bundles.

Spotlight Strengths.

All the tools you have remain. You add new ones, increasing your ability to do and be in different ways.

Get started now